Thursday, July 31, 2008

and the winner is......

Hi again all,

Well today is 31st July, which is the day we draw the prize crossword result. And out of all the entries only one was 100% correct, so the award goes to Mr Alan Berry, stalwart of Frome running club! Alan has very generously donated his £50 winnings back to the cause - fantastic!

So, I can practically hear you all edging the the front of your seats, what were the answers? which was the one question that stumped everyone?

The question was this: 'Metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 10 litres' (3 down) and the answer, is not DKL or DCL as so many of you thought, but DAL.

It would seem that blogger will not let me upload a picture of the completed crossword (blogger is obviously arguing with PDF), but if you are desperate to see then email myself or Alison and we'll pass it on!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

End of the road.....

...well nearly!

So, the street party. What a day! The sun was shining, the birds singing, and the neighbours out in force at 11am (as asked) to get everything ready! Within the space of an hour the street was transformed with bunting, and we were actually ready for the off ON TIME! Unfortunately the town crier cried off - he had eaten something dodgy the day before at the annual Town Crier competition, so we didn't really want to see him. Fortunately Charlie stepped up to the mark in fine fetter and did a grand job of declaring the event open! Caroline was on the announcements all day, Eddie was running around on stilts reciting poetry, my mum and Lena did a fantastic job on the hot dog stand, (my Dad just got dragged to various stalls and told to sit there for an hour at a time!). Rosie and Dean organised the Tombola, Lorraine did the Raffle, Nicky did the face painting, Sue did the PA and Candace did the cakes. Oh the cakes. HOW MANY CAKES???? I wish I had counted. At about 1pm a lovely lady (named Marion) who I had never met, drove up to my door, announced she had done a bit of baking for the party, opened her boot and there were about 12 fruit pies and 8 fruit loaves. This was shortly followed by Margaret who had made no fewer than 12 plates of fairy cakes, plus the Victoria sponge from the lovely lady at number 11 whose name escapes me, plus countless others. Cake everywhere. I should have taken more pictures, but was running around doing my headless chicken impression. The bikers arrived just before 2, and Wolf Man did rides on the back of his trike (the beast) for 50p a go, and raised £26.50 just doing that! There are countless names of new friends who I could list, if only I wasn't worried about leaving someone out - so I won't try. I will mention Caroline as it was her Birthday on the day, and boy did we throw her a party! We had a soft drink cocktails flaring bar (a'la Tom Cruise), a DJ, live music from Bugsy on guitar and Luke on piano, cakes, birds of prey, a bouncy castle, countless stalls and games, the fancy dress parade (judged by the Carnival Granny), cakes, the raffle and tombola, a community plant stall and Eco/ green stall, hot dogs, cakes, the bikers, a clothes stall, cakes, home made lemonade, toys and a few cakes.

It was fab!

The grand total raised was (minus expenses for public liability insurance etc) was £340! And as well as making money, I think it fair to say a few of us have made friends! Great eh?! What a fantastic way to bring a community together. I wholeheartedly recommend one,so go on! pick and day and go for it! selection of pictures below!

now, anyone for a cake?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

ready for the off.....

Well I think we are.

We have the bunting:

And things like piles of paper work......

....and big bags containing display boards...

...are taking over my house! We have, I think, everything organised. Really. Which is good because I was indeed on BBC Somerset Radio this evening giving it a plug, so who knows how many people may turn up now! You can listen to the show again here.

I thought I would do some 'before and after' shots....or rather before and during. So here it is. The view from my front door as of the 17th July 07:

And looking towards Garston. Come sunday this area will be filled with people sitting and enjoying hotdogs, a flairing bar (a la Tom Cruise), lots of stalls and games, and a bouncy castle

...and the view towards Portway, where the stage area will be for the Town Crier to open the day, the fancy dress parade to end up, scavenger and paper aeroplane competitions are launched from, and the live music will be performing.... there you have it. The eagle eyed amongst you may well have noticed Thing. He wanted to get in the spirit of things so donned his High Vis party gear...! (and yes, thing is most definately a HE. His chain got stuck again today on my way to an appointment...he has definate 'mars-like' qualities about him!)

And last, we have a seal of approval on the day from a higher authority I think!

See you Sunday people!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

fame...... would seem BBC radio Somerset may want to do an interview with me about the street party.

Good work Claudia!

Watch this space - I'll keep you posted!

Monday, July 14, 2008

street P.A.R.T.Y!

Well this thing has a life of its own! Here's a brief history.....

October 07: Ruth decides a Street party may be a good fundraiser....

December 07: Ruth is accosted at the school gate by lovely Rosie, who is planning a street party with some others and wants a rep from my road! Ruth sighs and believes it not meant to be a fundraiser and volunteers her services anyway...

Later that day: Rosie ring, and says that Eddie and Shelley who are on the 'planning committee' have agreed to do said street party as a fundraiser. :) Ruth is delighted!

January 08: All rather quiet on the street party front.

February 08: likewise.

March 08: A date is agreed, and then abandoned as it clashes with Glastonbury.

May 08: Ruth bites the bullet. Picks a date, applies for road closure and leaflet drops the neighbourhood.

June 08: Ruth is SWAMPED with willing neighbours and volunteers!

Really. Its mad. My front room really isn't that big and tonight we had 13 people in there for our final planning meeting! I meant to take pictures to show you how cosy it was - but in the excitement of the planning I forgot. People in the Wallbridge area of Frome really have some good connections / jobs / experiences / skills etc needed to make this thing happen! It is flying. SO far at the day we have:

Grand opening by the town crier, a bouncy castle, a scavenger hunt, a cake stall, a hot dog stand, and quilting stall, and eco-awareness stall, home-made lemonade, birds of prey (yes really!) a fancy dress parade, judged by the Carnival granny, a paper aeroplane competition, live music, giant games, a motorbike display, cocktails and lets not forget the BUNTING!

All in Wallbridge. In little Avenue Road. Next Sunday. Blimey.

And all bought about by the good people of the neighbourhood in the last three weeks. People never cease to amaze me. If there is one thing I have learnt through this whole fundraising process it's just how wonderful people are.

So it should be a good day! If you are in the Frome area between 2-6 nest Sunday (20th) rock up to Avenue Road, come and find me and say hello. (I'll be with the hot dogs!)

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Hey all,

SO yesterday was TIRING! As you may know recent events have left me with little time to run or cycle as much as I would like. SO when I get the chance to do so, I do tend to seize it with both hands and run with it(no pun intended).

Last night afforded me just such an opportunity, so 6pm saw me donning my running gear, and by 6.10 I was hauling my bike out the shed. Oh yes. I was going for the double!

Now I haven't cycled to the rugby club (where Frome running club meet) for some time, and hadn't done really any exercise for a couple of weeks, so decided to allow a good stretch of time to get there, plus some recovery time before the start of running club. I am NOT a triathlete and did not want to be cycling up at break neck speed and then throwing the thing to one side as I immediately set of on a four mile run! So with my running hat strapped onto Jack seat, and my bike helmet on my head (I nearly got very confused about this need for two pieces of headgear!) I set off. It's a pleasant ride, as you can start out along the river, but once you have done the first 3/4 mile the remainder 1 1/4 miles is all uphill. That kind of slow dragging killer up hill. (Give me short and sharp anytime!) SO it was fine, I arrived at the rugby club, locked up the thing, swapped hats, and looked at my watch. 6.15pm. SERIOUSLY? Yep. 6.15pm. And then I also remembered that my watch runs about 7 minutes fast. (and the little twiddly knob has fallen off so it is STUCK like that!)

Running club congregate at 6.45pm, ready to run at 7! I was SOOOO early! I reached for my water bottle as had worked up something of a thirst. Bum. Bother bother bother. No water! What an idiot! A hot day, early July, here was I trying to squeeze in more exercise in one session than I have done in the last three weeks, and I forgot water! Plonker. I am not thinking very straight this week! (I have also put the milk away in the cupboard, and taken a wrong turn in Bath leading to a city detour, and left the handbrake off when parking. sigh.) Oh, well, no great shakes, I'm at the rugby club, which (of course) has a bar upstairs, with a very friendly barman who would undoubtedly give me a drink of water before I start running. But no. Doors locked. I am too early even for the hard core rugby club attending beer swilling crowd of Frome! So I sit and I pace and I walk and I do some stretches (to try and stretch my just - exhausted cycling muscles) and some skipping and silly stepping things (to try and warm up my soon to be exhausted running muscles!) (These exercises really work but you do look like an idiot doing some of them......)

Finally the other runners drifted up. Some ran, some drove. No one else cycled. Hmmm. Was this a sign that it was a down right silly thing to do? Now the first week of every month is the time trial. Having achieved a personal best that I KNOW I now couldn't match i steered very clear of this, and opted instead to go out with the slow and steady group. (It does what it says on the tin!) The SAS go at about 10/11 mins a mile (walking pace I was told last night by a casual observer! hmph!) and they were doing four miles. Oh my I struggled. BUT I did it and am very proud of myself for managing it! And actually the others definitely set off far faster than 11mm and so I recon I did the first two miles at nearer 9.5. I am immensely grateful to Mark,without whose encouragement I would not have got round!

Then back to the club, LOTS more stretching or I feared I would not be able to walk this morning, then a long cold glass of iced water, while sitting on the rugby club balcony enjoying the view of the rugby play.. ahem. Did I say that? I meant to say stunning Mendip scenery. Of course.

Finally a quick, downhill whizz home on the bike (more hat exchanging before and aft) and then home to a well deserved rest!

Here is is, in 2D. Please use your imagination well to see the HUGE hills...