Monday, July 14, 2008

street P.A.R.T.Y!

Well this thing has a life of its own! Here's a brief history.....

October 07: Ruth decides a Street party may be a good fundraiser....

December 07: Ruth is accosted at the school gate by lovely Rosie, who is planning a street party with some others and wants a rep from my road! Ruth sighs and believes it not meant to be a fundraiser and volunteers her services anyway...

Later that day: Rosie ring, and says that Eddie and Shelley who are on the 'planning committee' have agreed to do said street party as a fundraiser. :) Ruth is delighted!

January 08: All rather quiet on the street party front.

February 08: likewise.

March 08: A date is agreed, and then abandoned as it clashes with Glastonbury.

May 08: Ruth bites the bullet. Picks a date, applies for road closure and leaflet drops the neighbourhood.

June 08: Ruth is SWAMPED with willing neighbours and volunteers!

Really. Its mad. My front room really isn't that big and tonight we had 13 people in there for our final planning meeting! I meant to take pictures to show you how cosy it was - but in the excitement of the planning I forgot. People in the Wallbridge area of Frome really have some good connections / jobs / experiences / skills etc needed to make this thing happen! It is flying. SO far at the day we have:

Grand opening by the town crier, a bouncy castle, a scavenger hunt, a cake stall, a hot dog stand, and quilting stall, and eco-awareness stall, home-made lemonade, birds of prey (yes really!) a fancy dress parade, judged by the Carnival granny, a paper aeroplane competition, live music, giant games, a motorbike display, cocktails and lets not forget the BUNTING!

All in Wallbridge. In little Avenue Road. Next Sunday. Blimey.

And all bought about by the good people of the neighbourhood in the last three weeks. People never cease to amaze me. If there is one thing I have learnt through this whole fundraising process it's just how wonderful people are.

So it should be a good day! If you are in the Frome area between 2-6 nest Sunday (20th) rock up to Avenue Road, come and find me and say hello. (I'll be with the hot dogs!)

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