Friday, August 28, 2009

Buckaroo anyone?...

or mastermind? twister? connect four? downfall? mousetrap? operation......and MORE!

On the 17th October at the Key Centre in Frome, we will be holding a retro (80's) games evening. Tickets are only £5, you just turn up, bring a bottle of your favourite tipple, and spend the evening reliving your youth playing those timeless classics.


Suitable retro snacks will be provided, and if you really want to go for it fancy dress is always an optional extra! Hopefully there will be a raffle too.

So if any of you have a) any 80's classics board games lurking in the attic you would be happy to loan, or b) any raffle-able goods you would be happy to donate, please let me know.

And if you want to have a good giggle for an evening, for minimum outlay and maximum fun, AND support a very worthwhile cause, buy a ticket! (Here's a little something to whet your appetite!)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Here we go again......!

Right then. As you will remember if you have a wee look back to here there were plans afoot to go again once Alison was well enough.

Well guess what?! She is doing really well (hurrah!) and next year we are signed up to go to China! Many many grateful thanks to Action for Charity who have wavered the registration fee for us, and Alison of course has already raised her money. I have another £3300 to go! We go in October 2010 all being well, and so the training and fundraising are having to start all over again!

Coming up I plan to hold a retro games evening in Frome, sell things to warm up cold parents watching their small children play football on chilly evenings, make novelty birthday cakes, and maybe a bit of car washing thrown in for good measure.

Caroline and Olive will not be joining us in China (boo), but I am thrilled that Maggie, Jules, Sarah and Frankie will all be there - so nearly all the soreass senoritas!

SOOOOOO good people, any help you fell able to give- be it lend a game for a games evening, sponsor me a couple of £ or hold an event yourselves, I would be most grateful. In the heat of the fundraising last year I had not anticipated having to come back and ask all you wonderful supporters for more money, but the situation was a little unprecidented! Anyway to refresh and enthuse you have a look at this to see all the good work that your time and money can support.

Thanks so much.