Friday, November 14, 2008

6 days to go and counting……

……counting down, counting down days and counting down participants. Sadly, only three of the four original fundraising females will be heading out to Cuba next Friday.

Some of you will know by now that in the last fortnight Alison has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and has to remain behind to start treatment. We are going to miss her gliding effortlessly up hills in front of us (quite how she made it through that ride in howling gales while her body is facing it’s biggest fight ever I don’t know) but we are going to go and do it for her, sending pictures and texts of the detail of the horror of each new hill / mossy bite / sore spot / sleepless night….. so she can sit at home supping tea and think of us!

We have spent a year planning this together, I dread to think how many texts Ali and I have swapped in the last 13 months over fundraising / training / fundraising / kit / fundraising / training / fundraising….and it is a cruel blow that right at the final post we don’t all get a chance to share in what will be a wonderful experience together. However, breast cancer affects one in nine women in Britain today, and touches the lives of one in three, and it would seem Alison is the ninth woman.

Action for charity, the trip organisers, have said they will 'hold' Alison's place, and as soon as she is well enough she will be able to go on whichever trip is on at the time (trips planned so far are Cuba March 09 and Jordan October 09), and they have also agreed that they will hold a second place for me so I can go along with her! Yay! So the fundraising is NOT over; the cycle (pun intended) will start all over again once I return, And as a silver lining in this cloud it means I raise an extra £3000 for an exceptionally good cause.

Alison, we love you, we will miss you in Cuba, and we know you will shout at us if we cop out and get on the land rover! I am sure all the readers (and there are some I believe) will join me in praying, thinking, crossing limbs – whatever it is you do – and sending lots of love for you and your family at this time.


P.S. You know I do think there would have been easier get-outs of spending ten days solid with me.....she could just have SAID something!

P.P.S, can I encourage those of you who are yet to buy Christmas cards to consider doing so from here, and in doing so support the Royal Marsden Hospital who will be providing Alison's care.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Ruth, wishing you ALL a great trip, loads of fun....and no sore bums! Pack sudocream!! (says my dad who did a bike ride challenge, but not in the same league as you guys!). I know you will all miss Alison cycling alongside you this year(who wouldn't, she's a great gal!) get over there and do it for her to. I will be waiting to hear via Alisons your text updates Ruth, so keep us informed when you can. And just think how toned and sculpted you will be when you get back! (not that you aren't now of course!!).

Love Trace